
Featured Speakers #1

The GAL Project 

Antoine Goetschel, President of GAL 
Sabine Brels, Manager of GAL

GAL is a brand new online platform that invites everybody to make realistic and visionary - even utopian - proposals to improve the legal conditions of animals at international , national, regional, and local level. These animal law and welfare proposals can range from the protection of farm animals, pet animals, animals in sports, to wild animals. 

GAL also proposes a list of global animal law experts and international animal law platforms, as well as offering a complete database of actual legislation from around the globe. Even here anyone can contribute to the page by sending any useful source, text, provision from his/her own county in order to benefit the international community dedicated to this field. 

GAL believes that animals have their own language and we have problems in understanding what they tell us; it is not enough for us to just love them. Unfortunately money rules the world and animals pay the price, for this reason they should be included in the constitutions of all states and be recognised as the third category. GAL strengthens majorities to make animal laws stronger because animals do need a voice in animal procedures. Why do we protect animals? Bentham said because they can suffer, Smith said because they have dignity, whilst Utopians say that a good use of animals is no use of animals.

GAL believes that the best way to predict the future is to create it with collaborative effort and joint thinking.

Martina Pluda
Communications Officer
Master in Animal Law and Society
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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